So, I had had Next to Normal on my mind for almost 12 months. I really loved the material and (despite the challenges with placing a significantly larger band) the design came together quite smoothly. I was inspired and excited by the whole thing. I back burnered Bukowsical more than I usually do, because I wasn't as inspired by the music and the story, and was a little clueless as to what to do with it.
However, as we go into rehearsals on Monday, I am forced to turn my attention to the design question for Bukowsical. As always, where to start....where to start....well. Tonight I think I listened to the recording like 5 times (and having read the script a week ago) I had to get the story and the music and the energy in my mind. So I went to the wonderful world of the internet for research imagery. I found a couple of Bukowski's book covers that are really cool.
And I always start with Band placement. Fortunately, Buk is only a 4 person rock band, which poses fewer challenges. Scott Miller and I have thought about approaching this show as a classic musical comedy with turrets. So, there are notions of proscenium arches, show curtains, bright colors, and of course beer bottles going on in my head. Using a 3d modeling program, I generated three different sketch models to send to Scott to see what shape he likes before further developing the design package. One of the below versions will become the framework for the design of my next design project with Newline Theatre.